måndag 24 oktober 2011

On Hamlet again

Hamlet delivers an Aha experience in my mind.

Yet so far hath discretion fought with nature
That we with wisest sorrow think of him.

That's enough for my imagination to feel joy. Other long tirades and exhortations for this and that don't work at all.

On sorrows

On sorrows of which life is filled
The words of Shakespeare’s Hamlet
Delivers some strength and solace.

King. Though yet of Hamlet our dear brother’s death
The memory be green, and that it us befitted
To bear our hearts in grief, and our whole kingdom
To be contracted in one brow of woe,
Yet so far hath discretion fought with nature
That we with wisest sorrow think of him.

söndag 16 oktober 2011

There is always a price to pay...

Everything can be mirrored as business, no exception at all exists! The price is negotiable in all instances.

torsdag 13 oktober 2011

About the Day

Before it seemed so long,
It moved like a slow snail.
After it was forgotten,
It had retreated into oblivion,
As if it had never existed.

Very interesting Swedish book!

Short summary of the Swedish book "Limpan" by Allan Edvall. Limpan = The Loaf.

The words of the warden: You are free to go! You are on your own! You mustn't stay here!

Explanation: When a prisoner one day, suddenly and unexpectedly, is told that he is free to go he doesn't believe it. He doesn't want it at all! He doesn't dare to leave. His all encompassing Dream is to return to the prison and stay there in Safety.