3 år sedan
tisdag 27 december 2011
Pippi Longstocking
The beta version of knowledge & information appears to us as small kids. It’s nothing else but a scratch ticket in life's lottery. Then years of reeducation follows that in fact never ends. One must always be ready for the upgrading of every thing, intermittently recurring. It’s lika a never ending stepladder. If we have got what it takes we can take a new step or two again. We hate to be left behind. Pippi Longstocking is an excellent example!
lördag 3 december 2011
Une Parabole sur les Etudes
Le Prince Ping du royaume de Jin dit un jour à son maître de musique, Shi Kuang, qui était aveugle:
- J'aimerais beaucoup lire de bons livres et étudier, mais j'ai soixante dix ans sonnés, c'est trop tard pour commencer.
- Si c'est trop tard, pourquoi ne faites-vous pas allumer les bougies? Lui répondit le maître de musique.
Le Prince s'étonna :
- Je vous parle de choses sérieuses, et vous plaisantez?
Le maître de musique reprit :
- Je ne suis qu'un pauvre aveugle, comment oserais-je plaisanter avec Votre Altesse?
Ce que je veux dire c'est que quand on commence à étudier dans sa jeunesse, c'est comme le soleil radieux du matin; quand on commence dans l'âge mûr, c'est comme le soleil de midi qui atteint le zénith et quand on commence sur ses vieux jours, c'est comme la flamme des bougies, lumière bien faible, il est vrai, mais n'est-ce pas mieux que l'obscurité complète?
- Vous avez parfaitement raison, convint le Prince.
Photos divers, publiées par Touria Damoussi
by: Touria Damoussi
- J'aimerais beaucoup lire de bons livres et étudier, mais j'ai soixante dix ans sonnés, c'est trop tard pour commencer.
- Si c'est trop tard, pourquoi ne faites-vous pas allumer les bougies? Lui répondit le maître de musique.
Le Prince s'étonna :
- Je vous parle de choses sérieuses, et vous plaisantez?
Le maître de musique reprit :
- Je ne suis qu'un pauvre aveugle, comment oserais-je plaisanter avec Votre Altesse?
Ce que je veux dire c'est que quand on commence à étudier dans sa jeunesse, c'est comme le soleil radieux du matin; quand on commence dans l'âge mûr, c'est comme le soleil de midi qui atteint le zénith et quand on commence sur ses vieux jours, c'est comme la flamme des bougies, lumière bien faible, il est vrai, mais n'est-ce pas mieux que l'obscurité complète?
- Vous avez parfaitement raison, convint le Prince.
Photos divers, publiées par Touria Damoussi
by: Touria Damoussi
söndag 20 november 2011
Pierre Loti Passage d’enfant 5 décembre 1894
Ce que je vais écrire est pour ceux qui, dans les cimetières, contemplant quelque fosse à peine fermée que les premiers bouquets blancs recouvrent encore, se sont sentis tenaillés jusqu’au fond et déchirés, au souvenir de petits yeux candides, éteints là sous la terre affreuse....
fredag 11 november 2011
Baudelaire Le Voyage II
Nous imitons, horreur! La toupie et la boule
Dans leur valse et leurs bonds, même dans nos sommeille
La curiosité nous tourmente et nous roule,
Comme un Ange cruel qui fouette des soleils.
Singulière fortune où le but se déplace
Et, n’étant nulle part peut être n’import où!
Où l’Homme, dont jamais l’esperance n’est lasse
Pour trouver le repos court toujours comme un fou!
Dans leur valse et leurs bonds, même dans nos sommeille
La curiosité nous tourmente et nous roule,
Comme un Ange cruel qui fouette des soleils.
Singulière fortune où le but se déplace
Et, n’étant nulle part peut être n’import où!
Où l’Homme, dont jamais l’esperance n’est lasse
Pour trouver le repos court toujours comme un fou!
söndag 6 november 2011
La Fontaine Fables
Encore La Fontain avait-il, à coup sûr, le goût des idées. Mais il lui suffisait de jouer avec elle. Même les problem qui semblent le plus occupier son esprit, qu’un peu de temps passe, il ne s’en soucie plus. Comme l’Acante de sa comédie il est:
Un home inégal à tel point
Que d’un moment à l’autre on ne le connait point.
De telles contradictions prouvent que son esprit, si accueillant et si mobile, nourri de Lucrèce et de l’Évangile, d’Horace et de saint Augustin, n’est pas devenu le prisonnier d’un système.
Un home inégal à tel point
Que d’un moment à l’autre on ne le connait point.
De telles contradictions prouvent que son esprit, si accueillant et si mobile, nourri de Lucrèce et de l’Évangile, d’Horace et de saint Augustin, n’est pas devenu le prisonnier d’un système.
måndag 24 oktober 2011
On Hamlet again
Hamlet delivers an Aha experience in my mind.
Yet so far hath discretion fought with nature
That we with wisest sorrow think of him.
That's enough for my imagination to feel joy. Other long tirades and exhortations for this and that don't work at all.
Yet so far hath discretion fought with nature
That we with wisest sorrow think of him.
That's enough for my imagination to feel joy. Other long tirades and exhortations for this and that don't work at all.
On sorrows
On sorrows of which life is filled
The words of Shakespeare’s Hamlet
Delivers some strength and solace.
King. Though yet of Hamlet our dear brother’s death
The memory be green, and that it us befitted
To bear our hearts in grief, and our whole kingdom
To be contracted in one brow of woe,
Yet so far hath discretion fought with nature
That we with wisest sorrow think of him.
The words of Shakespeare’s Hamlet
Delivers some strength and solace.
King. Though yet of Hamlet our dear brother’s death
The memory be green, and that it us befitted
To bear our hearts in grief, and our whole kingdom
To be contracted in one brow of woe,
Yet so far hath discretion fought with nature
That we with wisest sorrow think of him.
söndag 16 oktober 2011
There is always a price to pay...
Everything can be mirrored as business, no exception at all exists! The price is negotiable in all instances.
torsdag 13 oktober 2011
About the Day
Before it seemed so long,
It moved like a slow snail.
After it was forgotten,
It had retreated into oblivion,
As if it had never existed.
It moved like a slow snail.
After it was forgotten,
It had retreated into oblivion,
As if it had never existed.
Very interesting Swedish book!
Short summary of the Swedish book "Limpan" by Allan Edvall. Limpan = The Loaf.
The words of the warden: You are free to go! You are on your own! You mustn't stay here!
Explanation: When a prisoner one day, suddenly and unexpectedly, is told that he is free to go he doesn't believe it. He doesn't want it at all! He doesn't dare to leave. His all encompassing Dream is to return to the prison and stay there in Safety.
The words of the warden: You are free to go! You are on your own! You mustn't stay here!
Explanation: When a prisoner one day, suddenly and unexpectedly, is told that he is free to go he doesn't believe it. He doesn't want it at all! He doesn't dare to leave. His all encompassing Dream is to return to the prison and stay there in Safety.
måndag 26 september 2011
torsdag 15 september 2011
Tänk över vad du håller på med!
Varje vuxen har i allmänhet 3 viktiga projekt att tänka på i sin dagliga gärning, 1. Föräldraskapet, 2. Jobbet, 3. Den egna Lyckan. Var o en av dessa projekt kräver sin egen Vision och sin egen handlingsplan för att det skall bli nått rejält av det.
Det är riktigt lärorikt o nyttigt att verkligen tänka igenom detta regelbundet. Vad håller man igentligen på med, det är frågan?
Det är riktigt lärorikt o nyttigt att verkligen tänka igenom detta regelbundet. Vad håller man igentligen på med, det är frågan?
fredag 9 september 2011
Charles Dickens - Thus, to do ..
Thus, to do a great right, you may do a little wrong; and you may take any measure which the end to be attained, will justify; the amount of the right, or the amount of the wrong, or indeed the distinction between the two, being left entirely to the philosopher concerned, to be settled and determined by his clear, comprehensive, and impartial view of his own particular case. Ref. Dickens, Oliver Twist, chapter 12.
fredag 26 augusti 2011
Murphy's law
I'm old enough to know most of the mistakes I've made during the recent 40 years. I've pondered each one carefully and I won't repeat them. Ok, wonderful! I will do absolutely new and fresh ones!
lördag 20 augusti 2011
Dèfinition de la gaieté par La Fontaine:
Je n’appelle pas gaieté ce qui excite le rire, mais un certain charme, un air agréable qu’on peut donner à toutes sortes de sujets, meme les plus sèrieux.
torsdag 18 augusti 2011
My favorite description of a guy:
Encore La Fontaine avait-il, à coup sûr, le gout des idées. Mais il lui suffisait de jouer avec elles. Même les problems qui semblent le plus occupier son esprit, qu’un peu de temps passe, il ne s’en soucie plus. Comme l’Acante de sa comédie Clymène il est:
Un home inégal à tel point
Que d’un moment à l’autre on ne le connait point.
Lol, lol!!
Un home inégal à tel point
Que d’un moment à l’autre on ne le connait point.
Lol, lol!!
torsdag 11 augusti 2011
About the conciousness
The consciousness and its particular individual mode is the condition for everything.
Where does the consciousness, devine or not, come from? The consciousness include awareness of one’s own self. The only reason for the consciousness is itself. J.P Sartre means that the consciousness is inexplicable.
Where does the consciousness, devine or not, come from? The consciousness include awareness of one’s own self. The only reason for the consciousness is itself. J.P Sartre means that the consciousness is inexplicable.
tisdag 9 augusti 2011
Charles Dickens
Every child is unique and they all are different. But All people shall be respected equally with Freedom, Justice and Equality for all individuals. Charles Dickens wrote how it was then. Unfortunately not much has changed to the better since then.
måndag 1 augusti 2011
Joyce Carol Oates
In 1998 I was in Montreal several times. Gosh! Nice nice. I found a book in an old shop by Joyce Carol Oates "Confessions d'un gang de fille". It's marvelous!!
tisdag 19 juli 2011
My late Mother´s sayings:
If you want something to be done then you had better do it yourself.
One should have eyes on the back (as well).
In the dark all the cats are grey (A remark on sex).
One should have eyes on the back (as well).
In the dark all the cats are grey (A remark on sex).
söndag 17 juli 2011
Racine Bérénice
Je n’écoute plus rien, et pour jamais, adieu.
Pour jamais! Ah! Seigneur, songes-vous en vous-même
Combien ce mot cruel est affreux quand on aime?
Dans un mois, dans un an, comment souffrirons-nous,
Seigneur, que tant de mers me separent de vous?
Que le jour recommence et que le jour finesse
Sans que jamais Titus puisse voir Bérénice,
Sans que de tout le jour je puisse voir Titus?
Acte IV, scène 5
Pour jamais! Ah! Seigneur, songes-vous en vous-même
Combien ce mot cruel est affreux quand on aime?
Dans un mois, dans un an, comment souffrirons-nous,
Seigneur, que tant de mers me separent de vous?
Que le jour recommence et que le jour finesse
Sans que jamais Titus puisse voir Bérénice,
Sans que de tout le jour je puisse voir Titus?
Acte IV, scène 5
måndag 11 juli 2011
The fish aquarium
Humanity in its air space, the limits are inexorable, is analogous, at large and in many details, to the fish aquarium at home.
What divinity or humans care about, or at the very best take great interest in, what the fish quarrel and fight about?
What divinity or humans care about, or at the very best take great interest in, what the fish quarrel and fight about?
tisdag 28 juni 2011
Inner-Space fiction: There is never anywhere to go but in.
Ref. Doris Lessing. Briefing for a descent into ..
Ref. Doris Lessing. Briefing for a descent into ..
About love again..
Love is always like the feeling before the summer holiday when entering, arm in arm with Her, the 747 for a long distance flight to the sun for rest. Wonderful! The take off is hilarious… The end is a disastrous emergency landing.
måndag 27 juni 2011
Waiting for Godot
The only certain effect of age is that good faith becomes bad. And greyish, not black.
måndag 20 juni 2011
Universal dimensions
In our own Univers the imaginary dimensions like Joy, Happiness and Spirital imagination are the diamonds.
Happiness! Where does its blessings come from? They are real, as real as the virtual world around, maybe even more. The flickering memory of Happy moments stay for ever in the mind.
Spiritual imagination! “Felices son los que tienen consciencia de su neccesidad spiritual, puesto que a ellos pertenece el reino de los cielos.” Mateo 5:3
Everything is a process without temporal discontinuities. We and the others are in a solipsistic relation. Our knowledge of ourselves increases with experience and by the trial and error that we pass.
To read the works of Baudelaire is an esoteric way to acqire subliminal experience, from all sorts of cute angels often refered to by famous authors.
Solipsism ( /ˈsɒlɨpsɪzəm/) is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist. The term comes from Latin solus (alone) and ipse (self). Solipsism is an epistemological or ontological position that knowledge of anything outside one's own specific mind is unjustified. The external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist. In the history of philosophy, solipsism has served as a skeptical hypothesis. From Wikipedia.
Ontology is the study of being and existence in the world. Taking an ontological position is to understand how things are.
Positivist ontology
Positivists are arch-scientists and view the world as being real and existing independently from the human existence. The world is seen as an ordered, structured place that is governed by physical laws.
Studying the world from this position can be done objectively and without concern for how people create meaning.
Epistemological approach = the view on knowledge = kunskapssyn
Happiness! Where does its blessings come from? They are real, as real as the virtual world around, maybe even more. The flickering memory of Happy moments stay for ever in the mind.
Spiritual imagination! “Felices son los que tienen consciencia de su neccesidad spiritual, puesto que a ellos pertenece el reino de los cielos.” Mateo 5:3
Everything is a process without temporal discontinuities. We and the others are in a solipsistic relation. Our knowledge of ourselves increases with experience and by the trial and error that we pass.
To read the works of Baudelaire is an esoteric way to acqire subliminal experience, from all sorts of cute angels often refered to by famous authors.
Solipsism ( /ˈsɒlɨpsɪzəm/) is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist. The term comes from Latin solus (alone) and ipse (self). Solipsism is an epistemological or ontological position that knowledge of anything outside one's own specific mind is unjustified. The external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist. In the history of philosophy, solipsism has served as a skeptical hypothesis. From Wikipedia.
Ontology is the study of being and existence in the world. Taking an ontological position is to understand how things are.
Positivist ontology
Positivists are arch-scientists and view the world as being real and existing independently from the human existence. The world is seen as an ordered, structured place that is governed by physical laws.
Studying the world from this position can be done objectively and without concern for how people create meaning.
Epistemological approach = the view on knowledge = kunskapssyn
lördag 18 juni 2011
Macbeth Act 1, scene 7. 25–28
I have no spur
To prick the sides of my intent, but only
Vaulting ambition, which o'erleaps itself,
And falls on th'other. . . .
See the Home page of Shakespeare for more.
I have no spur
To prick the sides of my intent, but only
Vaulting ambition, which o'erleaps itself,
And falls on th'other. . . .
See the Home page of Shakespeare for more.
fredag 3 juni 2011
To find the real reasons for change.
To be able to change something, anything you would like to change, one should commence the procedure by investigating it from the viewpoints of aliens, from the objective external points, and all the viewpoints. Even those you detest!
torsdag 2 juni 2011
My own self
When I observe an image then I know that I perceive that image, instantly I'm also conscious of my own self, I'm there and thus I learn that I am, except when I'm too eager, too concentrated, to do something very special, then my own self is switched off. My own self is kind of superposed onto my perception image, kind of intertwined, and it, the eye of my mind, can be switched off and on according to my will. My own self is born by my perceiving, even when I perceive just material things around me.
Where does our own self, Devine or not, come from? After lots of reasoning J.P. Sartre says: That's inexplicable! Ref. J.P. Sartre L'Être et le Néant.
My own self will absolutely never get anywhere else but remain where it is, it has to stay in its cave enclosure, and it will never be anything else but what it already is. Without it I would simply not exist!
Another denomination of "My own self" is "my soul".
Where does our own self, Devine or not, come from? After lots of reasoning J.P. Sartre says: That's inexplicable! Ref. J.P. Sartre L'Être et le Néant.
My own self will absolutely never get anywhere else but remain where it is, it has to stay in its cave enclosure, and it will never be anything else but what it already is. Without it I would simply not exist!
Another denomination of "My own self" is "my soul".
söndag 22 maj 2011
About thinking..and doing.
I prefer reading about the Existensialism by J.P. Sartre in French. He writes that if you learn a kid to count he walks around counting all sorts of things all the time.
My first comment is that if you don't train a kid in math he will never start thinking in that mode, because he hasn't got that wiring in his brain/head, including all the associations/connections belonging to that particuler mode of thinking. The same can be said about any other subject/matter, virtual or imaginary.
My second comment is that if you don't train a kid in creative thinking in an absolutely creative environment he will probably never start thinking by himself in that mode.
The mental capacity and the photo memory should be trained intensively. Playing chess is useful and being a taxidriver is far more brain training according to Swedish investigations. Learn to make flowcharts of your thinking with all the decisions and select carefully each criteria for every decision. Programme them inte your PC, then you will really understand a few things for sure.
The kid's future possiblity to become clever will be disabled if he doesn't start training at young age, both boys and girls. To work practically with mind, body and hands is very important for individual skill and satisfaction. Not only clever talking and then let somebody else do the job. It's as simple as that.
My first comment is that if you don't train a kid in math he will never start thinking in that mode, because he hasn't got that wiring in his brain/head, including all the associations/connections belonging to that particuler mode of thinking. The same can be said about any other subject/matter, virtual or imaginary.
My second comment is that if you don't train a kid in creative thinking in an absolutely creative environment he will probably never start thinking by himself in that mode.
The mental capacity and the photo memory should be trained intensively. Playing chess is useful and being a taxidriver is far more brain training according to Swedish investigations. Learn to make flowcharts of your thinking with all the decisions and select carefully each criteria for every decision. Programme them inte your PC, then you will really understand a few things for sure.
The kid's future possiblity to become clever will be disabled if he doesn't start training at young age, both boys and girls. To work practically with mind, body and hands is very important for individual skill and satisfaction. Not only clever talking and then let somebody else do the job. It's as simple as that.
söndag 8 maj 2011
Change habits … Advance…
Shakespears' Sonnets, they were written and printed in 1609, are there to be enjoyed. That's a formidable intellectual achievement as well.
söndag 1 maj 2011
Shakespeare Sonnets
What a loss! Disappointed that’s what I am that I wasn’t told before of the Treasure called the Sonnets (154) by Shakespeare. But now I understand that those who could have told me they weren’t bright enough to ever even try to read them themselves. What a misery indeed!
lördag 30 april 2011
En liten grej kan göra en jätteglad!!
Vi va ute på kvällsturen nyss. Då tog jag hand om en tygdocka som nån tappat. Jag blev jätteglad. Gudarna ser oss och fixar oss glada!!
fredag 22 april 2011
To set forth from!
"And thus I cloth'd my nakes villainy With ol' odd ends, stol'n forth from holy writ AND SEEM A SAINT, WHEN MOST I PLAY THE DEVIL." [William Shakespeare, Richard III]
fredag 15 april 2011
The modernism defined
Funny guys sometimes yell motherfucker and lots of other clichés, curse words, to each other! After their sudden and intense outbursts they look abashed.
In French classical literature there is a famous play about the alleged motherfucker Hippolyte. That's a tragedy by Racine called Phèdre, dated 1677. It's about the human nature, thoughts, longing, inner monologues - unfortunately true understanding is missing in the dialogues between the main figures. Everything seems to be perfect, but still the ghost of the bottomless tragedy knocks on the door, and they let it enter into their hearts. How come? What abominable consequencies eventually!
The play is a modernistic work in my opinion and the content is applicable to the relations of many. It is an excellent showcase to learn a lesson or two. That's why sharing.
Don't irritate the Gods, to revenge our unfair thoughts and actions they may create a Hell around us!
In French classical literature there is a famous play about the alleged motherfucker Hippolyte. That's a tragedy by Racine called Phèdre, dated 1677. It's about the human nature, thoughts, longing, inner monologues - unfortunately true understanding is missing in the dialogues between the main figures. Everything seems to be perfect, but still the ghost of the bottomless tragedy knocks on the door, and they let it enter into their hearts. How come? What abominable consequencies eventually!
The play is a modernistic work in my opinion and the content is applicable to the relations of many. It is an excellent showcase to learn a lesson or two. That's why sharing.
Don't irritate the Gods, to revenge our unfair thoughts and actions they may create a Hell around us!
söndag 10 april 2011
The law of Jante in English:
The law of Jante was formulated by Aksel Sandemose in his book "A refugie crosses his path", Oslo 1962.
You shall not:
Believe that you are something
Believe that you are as important as us
Believe that you are wiser than us
Imagine yourself that you are better than us
Believe that you know more than us
Believe that you more important than us
Believe that you are capable of anything
Laugh/smile because of us
Believe that anybody cares about you
Believe that you can teach us anything
The above has been translated by myself in amateurish English.I have done it because of its great social interest.
You shall not:
Believe that you are something
Believe that you are as important as us
Believe that you are wiser than us
Imagine yourself that you are better than us
Believe that you know more than us
Believe that you more important than us
Believe that you are capable of anything
Laugh/smile because of us
Believe that anybody cares about you
Believe that you can teach us anything
The above has been translated by myself in amateurish English.I have done it because of its great social interest.
lördag 9 april 2011
Patrick Bruel
I love the songs and texts by Patrick Bruel. In this case the melody of the French language has a very positive effect on me and make my heart smile "Yes, Yes! That's it! ".
Ref. http://www.allthelyrics.com/lyrics/patrick_bruel/
Ref. http://www.allthelyrics.com/lyrics/patrick_bruel/
måndag 28 mars 2011
Shakespeare Sonnet 1: To the youth!
'Fair youth, be not churlish, be not self-centred, but go forth and fill the world with images of yourself, with heirs to replace you. Because of your beauty you owe the world a recompense, which now you are devouring as if you were an enemy to yourself. Take pity on the world, and do not, in utter selfish miserliness, allow yourself to become a perverted and self destructive object who eats up his own posterity'.
The above text appears in between the today version and the 1609 version of Sonnet 1. See also the further commentary on Sonnet 1 of Shakespeare's Sonnets. Ref. http://www.shakespeares-sonnets.com/sonnet/1
The above text appears in between the today version and the 1609 version of Sonnet 1. See also the further commentary on Sonnet 1 of Shakespeare's Sonnets. Ref. http://www.shakespeares-sonnets.com/sonnet/1
onsdag 16 mars 2011
What is what...
Oh Gosh! Friendliness, kindness and goodness are attitudes, affected or real, as well as their opposites. Happiness is an effect due to the fact of feeling happy, it's a sentiment, like love for instance. Make a listing of what is what... In my opinion sentiments and attitudes have different sources, virtual or imagined.
See Sartre for more details, please.
See Sartre for more details, please.
måndag 14 mars 2011
At young age the walk begins!
I guess my late father would have said: "You are on your own lad! Show me that you can manage by yourself." Prowdly I walked away on that dusty road.
onsdag 9 mars 2011
Shakespeare's Sonnets
Read Shakespeare and you'll get an aha-experience!
Read Shakespeare and you'll get an aha-experience!
söndag 6 mars 2011
Brian Murphy is Shakespeare for a Day...
What star gave blessing to this mortal bard
Who by his words gain'd immortality?
What gods gave wit and art and clarity
To make our Will so eloquently starr'd.
He knew us to our core, he penn'd us each
...In words that even now remain in reach.
(Winning entry in our Be Shakespeare for a Day contest)
This verse is made by Brian! Very clever Brian! I love it! Thanks!
Read Shakespeare and you'll get an aha-experience!
What star gave blessing to this mortal bard
Who by his words gain'd immortality?
What gods gave wit and art and clarity
To make our Will so eloquently starr'd.
He knew us to our core, he penn'd us each
...In words that even now remain in reach.
(Winning entry in our Be Shakespeare for a Day contest)
This verse is made by Brian! Very clever Brian! I love it! Thanks!
Read Shakespeare and you'll get an aha-experience!
onsdag 2 mars 2011
Oh how true!
William Shakespeare
Lady Macbeth:
How now, my lord, why do you keep alone,
Of sorriest fancies your companions making,
Using those thoughts which should indeed have died
With them they think on? Things without all remedy
Should be without regard: what's done, is done.
Read Shakespeare and you'll get an aha-experience!
Lady Macbeth:
How now, my lord, why do you keep alone,
Of sorriest fancies your companions making,
Using those thoughts which should indeed have died
With them they think on? Things without all remedy
Should be without regard: what's done, is done.
Read Shakespeare and you'll get an aha-experience!
An old thumb rule from Dalarna!
An adult shall run at least 10 km per day to keep his health in the long perspective.
lördag 26 februari 2011
Nils Ferlin
Ibland faller det som en längtan över mig att höra de sanna orden, eller är det bara poetens röst när den skimrar. Ja, javisst!
tisdag 22 februari 2011
It's an effect due to something or a chain of events in reality, sentiments are all like that. They are not created ex nihilo!
onsdag 16 februari 2011
Suddenly my impression of this poem appears. Oh, the poem is churned out frankly. It's like getting a stone chip onto the perfect windscreen, in the worst case it will crackle, or when a long forgotten and terrible ghost steps out of the closet.
Ref. Le poèm Bénédiction par Baudelaire dans le livre Les Fleurs du Mal.
Ref. Le poèm Bénédiction par Baudelaire dans le livre Les Fleurs du Mal.
fredag 11 februari 2011
Livet är en dåligt stakad slalombana på en urkass pist!
Allting förefaller vara rena slumpen! Men troligen inte för vi förstår inte mekanismerna! Viktigpettrarna får ihop det till att det skulle va nån särskilt viktig mening med just deras grejer. När det kommer till kritan så är det framför allt girigheten o högfärden som styr makten o makthavarna i deras kamp, psykopater är de ju allihopa och de tillhör inte de bäst bemedlade heller, att alltid sitta högst upp på den minsta o den största dynglorten! Ändamålet helgar medlen! Det är kiv o strid om precis allting, kasta sand i ansiktet på de andra ungarna, precis som i pjäsen Sandlådan!
Ref. The animal farm
Första kapitlet i Le Vent av Claude Simon är en bra introduktion i ämnet.
Ref. The animal farm
Första kapitlet i Le Vent av Claude Simon är en bra introduktion i ämnet.
söndag 30 januari 2011
What are we like, the most?
It's obvious that ... Everything we think and we do are just endless repetitions. Our main task on this planet is just that, to do repetitions. We are like insects, that's why. Ref. Natahalie Sarraute Portrait d'un inconnu.
Lots more can be found in "La Fontaine Fables from 1663" in the form of children's stories.
Lots more can be found in "La Fontaine Fables from 1663" in the form of children's stories.
onsdag 26 januari 2011
Helpful book
Kindly read Erich Fromm "The anatomy of human destructiveness". Any other book by Mr Fromm after that would be helpful. Rgds,
lördag 22 januari 2011
To change focus is refreshing.
Now and then, mostly due to lack of stimulus, I need a restarter, a reloader, a refresher, a battery of boosters, to change disks & focuses & be open and receptive to fresh inputs, ready & prepared to create new habits. I need a strong forward push not to be afraid of trying new ways of thinking & doing things, that means trying new ways to keep my sudden impetus & momentum going on forward to transcend my best Dreams into my Reality. Gosh, I'm like that!
There are lots of Anthony Robbins on youtube. Anthony is really a wise guy. The best with him is that in zero time he tells what we need the most.
There are lots of Anthony Robbins on youtube. Anthony is really a wise guy. The best with him is that in zero time he tells what we need the most.
torsdag 13 januari 2011
tisdag 11 januari 2011
The crocodile farm
An ordinary life is like trying to survive within a crocodile farm area.
You got to have the pockets full of small chicken bits.
You got to have the pockets full of small chicken bits.
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