I prefer reading about the Existensialism by J.P. Sartre in French. He writes that if you learn a kid to count he walks around counting all sorts of things all the time.
My first comment is that if you don't train a kid in math he will never start thinking in that mode, because he hasn't got that wiring in his brain/head, including all the associations/connections belonging to that particuler mode of thinking. The same can be said about any other subject/matter, virtual or imaginary.
My second comment is that if you don't train a kid in creative thinking in an absolutely creative environment he will probably never start thinking by himself in that mode.
The mental capacity and the photo memory should be trained intensively. Playing chess is useful and being a taxidriver is far more brain training according to Swedish investigations. Learn to make flowcharts of your thinking with all the decisions and select carefully each criteria for every decision. Programme them inte your PC, then you will really understand a few things for sure.
The kid's future possiblity to become clever will be disabled if he doesn't start training at young age, both boys and girls. To work practically with mind, body and hands is very important for individual skill and satisfaction. Not only clever talking and then let somebody else do the job. It's as simple as that.
3 år sedan
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