See Tony Robbins “Why we do what we do, and how we can do it better”
Gosh, this is an important fella! Important message! It’s my cup of tea. I share it with you.
This video is an aha event for me that I will listen to many times. It gives the scope of doing in a fantastic way. There are lots of videos with Tony Robbins on youtube. Fine, I will listen to all!
I will search for books as well. See
To change one´s attitudes it's necessary to change the sim card. That's not easy!
The old farmer knows very well that few things change but the weather.
Every brave guy, understanding that there are great dangers involved, could find out his limits, the best and the worst.
We had better adapt to the circumstance that we are also created and shaped by the others, by the possibilities and the timing created by them (Simone Signoret).
3 år sedan
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