"Midlife is when you reach the top of the ladder and find that it was against the wrong wall." Joseph Campbell
Campbell may have been referring to the career ladder but his statement applies to whatever "ladder" you are on. It may be the ladder of marriage or family. It may be the ladder of a unique goal you are pursuing. Or, it may be the ladder of personality development. If Campbell is right then a great many people in our society are soon to be frustrated as they near the top of this ladder and begin asking that all important midlife question, "Is this all there is?"
I would prefer to say that the wall may be the right one, but the ladder wasn’t long enough. I would also tell that I am a different guy than Mr Campbell. Instead of the question, “Is this all there is?” , I would say that there is far too much here of everything. Bernard Shaw writes that we need to live here several hundred years to understand this complicated world. That’s true. I will not elaborate on this evidence.
3 år sedan
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